Are You Using the Right Communication Method for the Right Client?
Tuesday April 4, 2023
Are you communicating with your clients and other business contacts in a way that maximizes connection and understanding? I recently had two experiences that reminded me how important it is to do that. One was with a client whose written communication style is somehow incompatible with mine. We've learned the hard way that we can send email after email, but no matter how clear we think we're being, something somehow still winds up being misunderstood. And yet, when I gave up on email and called him on the phone, even though... Read More
A Tale of Two Coaches: Why One Got High Engagement, While The Other Got Dead Air
Tuesday September 6, 2022
A few years ago, I was working with several different coaches. Two of them in particular stuck in my mind, because of the striking difference in the level of engagement they had in their group coaching calls. One of them "“ I'll call him Coach J "“ spent the entire call talking with his students, answering their questions, learning about their situations, and helping them move closer to their goals. The other "“ I'll call him Coach B "“ asked questions, and was often met with silence. Both of these coaches had good advice... Read More
How to Keep Your Connection With Your Clients While Doing Group Coaching
Tuesday June 7, 2022
Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I'd love to be able to coach more people at a time, but I don't want to lose the important, intimate connection between me and my clients"? This is one of the most common fears I hear coaches express when they're thinking about expanding their business. We all know that having your income tied to the number of working hours in a day means your wealth and the number of lives you change are both limited, and your income is dependent on you continuing to be able to work. But the challenge of scaling up is... Read More
3 Ways to Change Your Clients' Lives - While You Sleep!
Tuesday November 2, 2021
Have you ever heard the Warren Buffett quote, "If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die"? While some people can and do save up the money they make in their waking hours and then retire, it can be dangerous to rely too heavily on this strategy. People are living longer than they used to , so a retirement plan that would once have been enough to last for the rest of your life might let you outlive your savings now. And if you have a major crisis during your working years, such as an injury or... Read More
Interview with Ely Delaney: How to Save HOURS of Work While Getting Your Clients Better Results
Thursday June 24, 2021
I recently had a great interview with Ely Delaney, the man who could get hit by a bus today and still be selling his products three years from now. In this interiew, he reveals how he saved himself countless hours on follow-ups and client service, broke the cycle of feast and famine, and got his clients better results in the process! If you want to meet more cool people, including potential clients and strategic partners, please take a minute to connect with Ely Delaney here: If... Read More
Interview with Angel Tuccy: How Serving Multiple People at Once Transformed Her Business and Sales
Thursday June 10, 2021
In any given week, how many hours do you spend on sales calls? And if those sales calls are successful, how many additional hours do you spend giving the same teaching points over and over, to one client at a time? When you add all those hours up, it can get to the point where there isn't much time left for the other important things in your business and life, like seeking new leads, keeping up with administrative tasks, finding ways to grow and improve your business, spending time with your loved ones, and enjoying your favorite hobbies. ... Read More
How to do Live Group Coaching Calls if You Aren't Trained in Public Speaking
Tuesday June 1, 2021
For some people, the fear of public speaking is right up there with the fear of spiders, heights, and death. So how do you handle group coaching calls if you aren't familiar with or trained in public speaking? In this video, I give a quick, simple step-by-step strategy for conducting group calls, so even if you've never used this method before, you can still give your clients great value, information and results. One thing I forgot to mention in the video, but will add here: before you launch into the training segment of your call,... Read More
My Formula for Giving More Clients Better Service in Fewer Working Hours
Tuesday April 6, 2021
Do you ever look at your schedule, see how many appointments you've set with your coaching clients, and think, "I wish I could do more"? "I wish I could help more people, but I don't want to work longer hours." "I wish I could go on vacation, without having to either stop helping people or work while I'm supposed to be relaxing." "And when I retire, and after I die, I wish I could keep changing lives, instead of letting my knowledge and ability to help people retire or die with me." Have you ever thought any of those things? ... Read More
What is a Coaching Program, and How is it More Valuable Than Coaching Sessions?
Tuesday October 6, 2020
What is the difference between a coaching program and a series of coaching sessions that aren't part of a program? A fellow coach recently asked me this, and I thought it was a very good question. To my knowledge, there is no official consensus regarding what differentiates a program from any other type of coaching, and there are different ways to structure a program. But there are some criteria that I find useful for making the distinction. In this article, I'll explain what those criteria are, and how they can make coaching... Read More
How do I Stop Being Disorganized, and Get My Important Tasks Done?
Tuesday July 7, 2020
Do you find yourself missing appointments, forgetting tasks, losing track of leads, or getting in trouble because a commitment slipped through the cracks? It happens to a lot of people. In fact, I've had people tell me they WILL NOT book calls more than 2 weeks out because nobody keeps the appointment. But as I told them: when I make an appointment, barring call-killing technological difficulties, I WILL keep it, because I have a system that makes sure I stay organized . In this video, I share the specific strategies I use... Read More