4 Simple Steps to Turn Your Wisdom Into Articles, Videos, Books, and Coaching Programs

By: Stephanie Tuesday December 7, 2021 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Copywriting, Blogging, Article creation, Webinar, Business planning, Video marketing

I was recently speaking with a woman who wanted to turn her wisdom into a book, but wasn't completely sure how to convey her ideas.

Maybe you've been in that position, too: you have knowledge, wisdom, and experiences that could change people's lives, but you aren't sure how to organize and share them in such a way that the people who need them will be drawn to them, absorb them, and easily understand and implement them.

In this blog post, I'm going to share four quick, simple steps you can use to organize your thoughts into books, coaching courses, videos, articles, or any other teaching material you want to create.

Step 1: Determine the outcome you want to create.

Your teaching is as valuable to your audience as the outcome it helps them achieve. So what is the shift you want people to experience during and after their learning experience?

What problem will you help them solve? What cherished desire will finally be within their grasp? What painful pattern will they stop repeating, or what wonderful experience will become a part of their everyday lives?

Describe this problem or outcome in clear, specific terms in the intro of your teaching material, in your promotional materials, and in your own mind as you use it as a guiding star to determine what information should be included in the teaching, and what should be left out. The easier it is to picture, the better - for example, instead of saying, "You'll have lots of energy," say "You'll have enough energy to run around with your kids all afternoon!"

Step 2: Briefly list the steps your audience needs to take to create that outcome.

During this stage, you don't need to go into detail about how to complete each step. Just get a list of them written down, in the order in which your clients need to take them, so you have a bird's-eye view of the whole process.

It's easier to organize and arrange all the steps when they're a bullet-point list than when they're a series of multi-paragraph descriptions, and organizing them properly now will spare you the time you might spend creating and redoing topic segues if you write the whole thing first and organize it later.

For example, if you're teaching people about blogging, your steps could include:

    1. How to pick a topic
    2. Creating a headline
    3. Hooking your readers' attention so they read past the headline
    4. Showing the readers why they should believe you
    5. Giving good tips without making your readers think they don't need to buy anything
    6. The different types of articles you can write
    7. Inspiring your readers to take the next step
    8. Repurposing your articles into social media posts, newsletters and blog posts
    9. Writing articles as a guest on other peoples' sites
    10. Choosing images for your articles
    11. Monetizing your articles

Step 3: Break those steps down into sub-steps, with exercises and examples.

This is the part where you go into detail about each of the steps.

In longer materials, such as a video series, a coaching program, or a book, it can be helpful to add an explanation the beginning of each video, lesson, or chapter, describing what you're about to teach them and why that information is useful to them. This helps to motivate them to take time out of their day to read, watch, or listen to your material, and having that context can help them to understand when, how, and why to implement the information you're giving them.

After the intro, walk them through the process of implementing the step you're covering. Don't just tell them WHAT to do; tell them HOW to do it in specific, actionable terms. Include examples, exercises, templates, scripts, or anything else your clients need in order to to know exactly how to take the action or create the mindset shift you're recommending.

Let's return to the example above. For this example, I'll use step 9 in their system, which is "Writing articles as a guest on other peoples' sites."

Here are some of the sub-steps that step could include:

    1. How to idenfity which kinds of sites, events or platforms you can share your guest content on
    2. How to find them quickly and easily
    3. How to contact the owners of these sites, events and platforms
    4. What information to include in your guest content
    5. How to impress your audience, while making them want more of your expertise
    6. How to use guest content to turn your readers or viewers into paying clients

In situations where there are several methods available, or the method needs to be tailored to the individual's situation, include guidelines that tell them how to choose the right method or tailor it to their circumstances and needs.

Step 4: Be sure to cover any pits your audience might fall into!

Do some of your potential clients not get results from weight loss programs because they stress eat?

Do some of them struggle to find love because of a specific bad habit, personality flaw, or mental or physical disability?

Do they fear that they can't build a business because they've tried and failed before?

Is there a common mistake that frequently prevents people from getting results in the area in which you help them?

If there's a problem, excuse, obstacle or reason that often stops or hinders people from reaching the goal you're trying to guide them to, include instructions for overcoming that.

And when you're promoting your teaching material, be sure to mention that you include specialized solutions for people who have that problem, so they don't end up thinking, "That sounds great, but it won't work for me, because I have this specific problem most people don't solve."

Are you ready to help more people at a time by using a group coaching program?

If you want to help a larger number of people in the same number of hours, or to provide an option for people who want your life-changing wisdom but aren't yet ready to work with you one-on-one, you can massively free up your time and increase your income potential by turning your expertise into a group coaching program.

In this blog post, you learned how to organize your information into an easy-to-follow roadmap that your clients can use to go from struggling to success. In 1 Month Program Builder, I go into more depth on the subject, and I also reveal how to:

1. Choose a program topic people want to learn about.

2. Tap into the full depth of your knowledge on that subject - you may have even more to offer than you think!

3. Choose and create the right bonuses and handouts, so you add enormous value to your program without making it client-scaringly cluttered.

4. Include the Four Elements that help your clients to fully engage with and implement each lesson in your coaching program.

5. Choose the right way to deliver your program and give your clients personal support, so it fits with your desired lifestyle AND your clients' needs.

6. Record and edit the audios and videos for your curriculum, should you choose to include them.

7. Automatically give your clients access to the program materials and group call information, as soon as they purchase it.

8. Maximize engagement, learning and support in your group coaching calls.

9. Describe your program in a way that gets people interested.

10. Add an upsell, so you can inspire your clients to take even bigger steps during the program, or continue your relationship with them after the program ends.

Ready to get started? Check out the 1 Month Program Builder ebook!


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



