Do you have a book inside you, and need some help getting it out?

Having a book can boost your credibility, give you a way to share your wisdom and story even when you aren't physically present, and be an additional source of income and leads. But what if you don't have the skillset required to write a book, or the dozens of hours it can take to complete such a big project?

To create a book on your own, you would need to:

- Decide how much information you want to put in the book, so it gives the reader all the data you want them to have without being excessively long or repetitive.

- Know what parts of that information to share in each part of the book, so it's engaging and easy to follow instead of scattered and confusing.

- Write the instructions or story in a way that's compelling and easy to understand.

- Give your readers clear instructions so they can easily apply your guidance to their lives, if the goal of the book is to help people create a specific outcome.

- Get rid of any spelling and grammatical errors, confusing sentences, repetitive words or phrases, or overly long sentences or paragraphs that made it into your first draft.

- Choose the right font, paragraph spacing, line indents, and other such formatting for your publisher of choice.

That can be a lot to add to an already full plate!

Why not have a professional do that work for you?

I've self-published four novels, written a step-by-step guide that walks you through the process of creating a group coaching program, and coauthored the book Get More Referrals and Make More Sales: How to Get Your Referral Marketing Done For You, and Turn More Leads Into Paying Clients.

I'd be happy to help you turn your vision, expertise or experience into a book you can be proud of. Even if it's your very first book, and you have no idea what you're doing, I can help you figure out exactly how to turn the ideas in your mind into a completed product.

What does this service include?

1. A 20-minute Clarity Call to make sure we're a good fit for each other.

2. An information-gathering call to get all the data I need to start working on your book. (Up to 60 minutes.)

3. An outline of the chapters I plan to write, and the content I want to include in each chapter. I'll send you this outline and get your approval on it before I start writing the first draft, so we can make sure that we're on the same page, and that the first draft will be built on a solid foundation.

4. A first draft, which will be submitted for your review so we can make sure the content is right before proofreading begins.

5. A round of revisions, to implement any large changes you want me to make.

6. A round of proofreading, to remove spelling and grammatical errors.

7. Any additional calls or other correspondence required for the purpose of completing this project, as well as the time I'll spend looking over any information you provide for me to incorporate into the book.

What does it cost?

$2/word, based on the final wordcount.*

(*If you ask me to write something, then later decide it should be removed, any materials that were written on your request will be included in the final price.)

Are there any free writing samples to peruse?

Absolutely! If you want to see some quick, free samples of my educational nonfiction writing, check out my CoachClientConnection blog.

And if you want to see samples of my fiction writing, you can see excerpts from my novels, as well as several free-to-read short stories, on my author site at

Ready to go? Here's your first step!

Contact me today to book your Clarity Call, so we can decide if my writing style and I are a good fit for you and the book you want to share with the world.



What do other people say about my writing?

Stephanie is a very talented copywriter who does a fabulous job of capturing the voice and feel of speaking to your avatar client.

I have hired her for several launches, all of which had conversions in the tens of thousands. If you're looking for a skilled copywriter, you can count on Stephanie to be professional, reliable, quick, and effective.

- Jennifer Jimenez, health and wellness expert. 



Working with Stephanie improved our conversion rates!

My company has been working with Stephanie since 2013, and we've been thrilled by the speed and quality of her service.

Stephanie is great at crafting short, powerful emails that generate high open and click-through rates. For example, one of her recent emails brought us 200 leads for a high-ticket product, from 3,600 click-throughs.

She really captures the voice of the person she's writing for, so the emails sound natural and welcoming, and she follows directions very well. She displays great attention to detail, and has often offered suggestions and observations that improved our marketing results.

She responds quickly to our requests, and consistently delivers by the deadlines we agree upon. All in all, we are very happy with her copywriting services.

Bottom line: should you hire her? No! we want her all for ourselves. ;)

- Nick Bogatin, Director of Marketing