Guest Post Guidelines

Would you like to get your wisdom and expertise featured on my website?
I'd be happy to share your article on my blog, as long as it meets the following criteria:
1. It must be useful to coaches who want to attract more clients, build their business, run their business in a healthier and more lifestyle-friendly way, and experience more energy and joy. Please include actionable tips our readers can use, specific questions they can ask themselves, or clear examples of ways in which they can implement the advice you give them.
2. I would like the articles to be at least 500 words long, except for blurbs accompanying infographics. I'm not picky about the upper limits on the word count, as long as all of the content is useful.
3. Blog posts must be pre-edited, formatted into sections with headers, and ready for publishing. I'll do light spelling and grammar editing if it's mostly ready to go, but posts with a lot of errors will be sent back for editing. If you like, I will edit the article for grammar and spelling for a flat fee of $30 USD. If the article requires a lot of rewriting, I'll send it back with my feedback.
4. Please include an image that you'd like to go with your article. This image must either belong to you, be in the public domain, or come from a site that allows it to be used without cost and for commercial purposes. If you got the image from the internet, please include a link to the original image to confirm that we have the right to use it.
5. The article must be original content, not published anywhere else on the internet either before or after it's published on my site. Some re-purposing is OK, but I want to give my readers substantially original material.
6. Please include a short (100 words or less) bio explaining who you are and what you do, as well as a link to your site and a 200 x 200 picture of your face. This bio will go at the bottom of the blog post, so that you get credit for your article, and you can get some traffic from your blog post.
7. Please send the article to the email address below, either in the body of an email, in a Google doc, or in a .doc or .docx document. If you use a Google doc, please make sure I have permission to access it.

8. I reserve the right to decline any articles that are sent to me, if I don't think they give sufficiently valuable information to my audience. If I receive an article on a subject that I've already written on recently in my blog, and its content is similar to recent posts, I may still accept it, but I'll hold off on publishing it for a month or two. In those situations, I'll let you know when I plan to publish it, and if you don't want to wait that long, you'll have the option to withdraw it and publish it elsewhere if you wish.
9. When you first contact me to offer an article, include the word "backflip" in your subject line. Why? Because I've gotten several submissions from people who obviously didn't read these guidelines, and ended up wasting time on articles that were nowhere near ready for publication. So, fair warning: if you offer me a guest post without including the codeword in your subject line, I'll know right away that you didn't read the guidelines, and that you need to go do that before I spend my time reading your work. ;)

If I choose to publish one of your articles, I'll let you know as soon as it has been approved, and once it's published I'll send you a link to the article. Please share the link with your community, so they can benefit from your wisdom!

I charge a flat fee of $20 USD for the time I spend looking over, uploading, formatting, and finding images for the blog post, as well as promoting it via email and social media. Once I've approved your post, I will send you an invoice via PayPal, and once it is paid, I'll proceed with publishing the post.
If you want to write a guest post, there's no need to send me an email asking if I accept guest posts.

I get a LOT of emails asking if I accept guest posts or if it's OK to send me some ideas for topics. No need for that - especially if you're one of that oddly high number of people who ask, get an answer, and then disappear forever. (Why??? Seriously, you people confuse me.)

Just go ahead and send the article, and I'll let you know within 2 weeks if I plan to publish it, or if you can go ahead and use it on your own blog or submit it to another site.
Publication schedule:
I'm publishing one blog post on the first Tuesday of every month. Guest posts are always welcome, but I want to publish at least one of my own posts between guest posts. Posts will be published in the order in which they're received and approved, unless one is highly relevant to a topic I particularly want to focus on at the time when I receive it. Once I've approved your post, I will inform you of the publication date and confirm that that date works for you.

If you have any questions, please send them to me via email.

I look forward to sharing your content with my community!