Interview with Endre Hoffman: The Doctor of Self-Worth

By: Stephanie Tuesday July 4, 2023 comments Tags: Mindset, Inspiration

For people to invest in your coaching, they need to trust you. They need to believe that you're great at what you do, that you're a good fit for them, and that you can help them create the result you promise.

And for them to trust and believe in you, you need to trust and believe in yourself.

But for many people, this is easier said than done.

Not everyone grew up in an environment that encouraged them to believe in their own value and worth. And even if you are self-confident in many areas, you may also have areas where you aren't so confident, and these can erode your ability to show up in a way that inspires clients to work with you.

That's why I've teamed up with Endre Hoffman, the Doctor of Self-Worth, to share some valuable tips you can use to boost your self-worth, believe in the value of yourself and your coaching, and show up as a powerful, confident, knowledgeable person your clients can trust with their money and future.

I hope you enjoy the interview!


About Endre Hoffmann:

Endre Hoffmann helps business leaders and individuals to restore self-worth and move rapidly toward goals.

His clients start with Lack of Self-Worth Symptoms: merely getting by, not charging what they are worth, self-doubt, lack of confidence, lack of communication, negative self-talk, lack of rapport-building skills, not being able to receive, relationship challenges, and not having a voice. Some have health challenges.

Endre finds the root of the low-self-worth mind virus with accuracy and speed. Then he accesses the mind to do instant surgery on negative emotions and limitations to facilitate fast and lasting transformations. He connects his clients to their new identity, which is experiencing peace, abundance, creativity, joy, and fun.

His clients started to call him the Doctor of Self-worth, because he works with surgical precision. He separates them from their limitations.

He works 1/1, and in a group called "Step into your power with Endre."

According to the Doc, the real pandemic on this planet is the widespread self-doubt and low-self-worth mind virus. He is here to change that, and to have you step into your power in business and life.

How to connect with Endre:

Reach out to him via email at [email protected] to access his free book, "Secrets of Uncovering Your Authentic Self-Worth".

Are you ready to wake up and step into your power? Book your free diagnostic appointment now via this link!

You can also connect with him via his social media channels:

You can find his posts via the hashtag #doctorofselfworth, and view his nearly-finished website at


About the Author: Stephanie

Stephanie is a writer and coaching program design specialist. She helps coaches to create and sell life-changing coaching programs, so they can help more people, make more money, and have more time freedom.



