
UPCOMING EVENT! Course Creation Made Easy: Create a Coaching Program that Sells!

By: Stephanie Tuesday February 6, 2024 comments Tags: product creation, Business planning, Marketing, Lead attraction, Client attraction, product launch

UPCOMING EVENT! Course Creation Made Easy: Create a Coaching Program that Sells!

“What am I missing in the time I spend on this?” Have you ever asked yourself that question? How many hours have you spent creating your coaching program the long, hard way? And what else could you have accomplished in those hours? How many emails could you have cleared from your inbox in the time it took you to figure out what to write in your program’s first lesson? What precious lifelong memories could you have made with your loved ones, in the time you spent trying to identify and fill gaps in your content? How many... Read More

FREE MASTERCLASS: Course Creation Made Easy

By: Stephanie Tuesday August 29, 2023 comments Tags: product creation, Time management, product launch, Business planning

FREE MASTERCLASS: Course Creation Made Easy

Would you love to get your coaching program outlined in 1 hour or less? I'm sharing my September blog post early, because I want you to know about something special I've got coming up: Course Creation Made Easy: Beat the Blank Screen, and Get Your Coaching Program Created Fast! In this FREE 30-minute masterclass, you'll discover how to: 💰👩‍👩‍👦⏰ Create more wealth, impact, and time freedom by serving more of your ideal clients in less time. 💥 Blow your clients' minds with life-changing "Ah, ha!"... Read More

How Coaches Inspired Me to Buy Their Coaching Programs

By: Stephanie Tuesday March 7, 2023 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Enrollment, Business planning, Sales

How Coaches Inspired Me to Buy Their Coaching Programs

It's hard to believe I'm approaching the ten-year anniversary since starting my business! As I look back on this past decade and the lessons it's taught me, one of the things that stands out in my mind is the number of coaching and training programs I've gotten into, and the things that motivated me to sign up for them. Today, I'd like to share a few of those things, because what motivated me to buy those programs might be what motivates your own potential clients to sign up for your offer. I'll also share a mistake I made a couple... Read More

Are Time Concerns Stopping Your Clients from Buying?

By: Stephanie Tuesday February 7, 2023 comments Tags: Marketing, Time management, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Enrollment, Lead nurture, Sales

Are Time Concerns Stopping Your Clients from Buying?

When you're discussing your offer with a potential client, it's important to remember that it isn't just your product or program they're evaluating. They also need to think about how it fits with the rest of their life, and whether they have the time and desire to implement it. All too often, people buy coaching or training programs, only to fail to set aside the time to actually USE those programs to get results. I've been guilty of that a few times myself, and it's certainly made me more selective about what I invest in!... Read More

Will Selling Small Products Help Me Sell High-Ticket Offers?

By: Stephanie Tuesday August 3, 2021 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, product launch, Enrollment, Business planning, Sales

Will Selling Small Products Help Me Sell High-Ticket Offers?

"Will selling smaller products help me sell high-ticket offers?" I recently saw this question in a LinkedIn group, and it sparked an interesting discussion about the pros and cons of the strategy. Will the low-ticket item only attract bargain hunters who don't want a high-ticket program? Or will it attract qualified leads who just need a taste of your expertise before they commit to a big purchase? Will buying the lower-priced offer make people more likely to buy your high-ticket package, or will people who buy the smaller item... Read More

Are You Undervaluing Yourself and Confusing Your Clients?

By: Stephanie Tuesday July 6, 2021 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Copywriting, Mindset, Motivation, Inspiration, Public speaking, Client attraction, Email marketing, product launch, Content marketing, Enrollment, Public relations, Lead nurture

Are You Undervaluing Yourself and Confusing Your Clients?

Dear Badass, Beautiful Coach... Have you ever had a time when you told your clients about your amazing system or strategy that you KNEW would change their lives... only for them to respond with disinterest or confusion? And do you ever worry that you might not be ENOUGH of an expert, or wonder if your well of knowledge is deep enough to be worth the price you want to charge? In this video, I describe a deceptively simple, yet important truth that many coaches forget, and I explain how forgetting it causes them to confuse their clients,... Read More

Interview with Angel Tuccy: How Serving Multiple People at Once Transformed Her Business and Sales

By: Stephanie Thursday June 10, 2021 comments Tags: product creation, Time management, Client attraction, product launch, Enrollment, Customer Service, Business planning, Sales

Interview with Angel Tuccy: How Serving Multiple People at Once Transformed Her Business and Sales

In any given week, how many hours do you spend on sales calls? And if those sales calls are successful, how many additional hours do you spend giving the same teaching points over and over, to one client at a time? When you add all those hours up, it can get to the point where there isn't much time left for the other important things in your business and life, like seeking new leads, keeping up with administrative tasks, finding ways to grow and improve your business, spending time with your loved ones, and enjoying your favorite hobbies. ... Read More

My Formula for Giving More Clients Better Service in Fewer Working Hours

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 6, 2021 comments Tags: product creation, Time management, product launch, Customer Service, Business planning, Business planning

My Formula for Giving More Clients Better Service in Fewer Working Hours

Do you ever look at your schedule, see how many appointments you've set with your coaching clients, and think, "I wish I could do more"? "I wish I could help more people, but I don't want to work longer hours." "I wish I could go on vacation, without having to either stop helping people or work while I'm supposed to be relaxing." "And when I retire, and after I die, I wish I could keep changing lives, instead of letting my knowledge and ability to help people retire or die with me." Have you ever thought any of those things? ... Read More

How to Price Your Group Coaching Program

By: Stephanie Tuesday March 2, 2021 comments Tags: product creation, product launch, Business planning, Sales

How to Price Your Group Coaching Program

What should I charge for my coaching program? This is a question that often comes up when people are creating a new program, or rethinking the price of an existing one. In this video, I'll give you some specific, practical guidelines you can use to decide the price of your program, so you can ensure that the price is fair to both you and your clients. Are you rethinking the price of your group program, or creating a new program right now? If so, did this video help you choose your price, or are there still some... Read More

Do Your Coaching Clients Really Expect Perfection?

By: Stephanie Tuesday February 2, 2021 comments Tags: product creation, Mindset, Inspiration, product launch, Business planning

Do Your Coaching Clients Really Expect Perfection?

Are you waiting to sell your expertise until your offer, knowledge or course is "perfect"? It can be tempting to hold off until you're SURE. Sure you've included all the information. Sure your clients won't be disappointed. Sure your offer is as good as the other ones on the market, if not better. Sure you won't fail. While other coaches are serving clients, you're getting ready to serve them. While others are making mistakes, getting feedback, and improving, you're waiting for a guarantee that you won't make mistakes at all. ... Read More



