
Guest Star Post: 5 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Stand Out And Get Clients

By: Stephanie Friday May 20, 2016 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Article creation, Lead attraction, Mindset, Public speaking, Client attraction, About me page, Email marketing, Content marketing, Enrollment, Public relations

Guest Star Post: 5 Ways For Entrepreneurs To Stand Out And Get Clients

"‹ Do you sometimes feel like you're lost in the crowd, and invisible to your ideal clients? If so, I've got good news: in this week's Guest Star blog post, I'm giving you 5 proven ways to stand out in your industry, get your ideal clients' attention, and help them trust and connect with you in a way that makes them eager to sign up. Click the button below to discover these 5 game-changing client attraction methods today! ... Read More

5 Steps for Calming Down an Angry Client

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 17, 2016 comments Tags: Mindset, Customer Service, Public relations

5 Steps for Calming Down an Angry Client

Few things can damage a business' reputation like an angry client. If a client feels neglected, ripped off or ill-treated, and the situation doesn't get addressed, there's a very real chance that they'll cut their ties with you - or worse, splash one-star reviews across every site that pertains to your industry. Nobody's perfect, and everyone makes mistakes or partakes in misunderstandings now and then. So it's probably just a matter of time before you have to deal with an angry or dissatisfied client, and it's important to know how... Read More

Guest Star Post: How to Get Featured on Popular Websites

By: Stephanie Friday May 13, 2016 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Article creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Content marketing

Guest Star Post: How to Get Featured on Popular Websites

If you want to reach more people with your message and attract more clients, one way to do that is to get yourself featured as an expert on websites that are popular with your target audience. If you share your expertise in a place where people are already looking for experts like you, you'll get the attention of people who are already hungry for the solutions you offer. In today's Guest Star blog post, I'll give you step-by-step instructions for finding the right websites to get featured on, and creating great content that impresses... Read More

How to Get Paid for Time You'd Normally Give Away

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 10, 2016 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Time management, Mindset, Inspiration, Enrollment, Customer Service

How to Get Paid for Time You'd Normally Give Away

Often, coaches and business owners struggle to choose whether to give services like consultations and evaluations away for free, or to charge for them. On the one hand, the consultation is necessary for you to gather information that you need to perform the service, and it's an expenditure of your time for your client's benefit. On the other hand, the client isn't getting any direct value from the interaction, so can you still ask them to pay for your time? When you're trying to decide between giving your time away for free, or... Read More

Guest Star Post: Why Some People “Try Everything”, But Still Don’t Succeed

By: Stephanie Friday May 6, 2016 comments Tags: Time management, Mindset, Motivation, leadership, Business planning

Guest Star Post: Why Some People “Try Everything”, But Still Don’t Succeed

Why do some people struggle for success, even when they've tried everything? Business after business, diet after diet, relationship after relationship, or marketing plan after marketing plan has failed, and they just don't understand how they can work so hard and get such small results. In today's Guest Star blog post, I'll reveal 4 reasons why people "try everything" and still don't succeed, and how you can break that pattern of failure, starting today: ... Read More

How I Kept Myself Struggling and Exhausted for Over Six Months

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 3, 2016 comments Tags: Mindset, Inspiration

How I Kept Myself Struggling and Exhausted for Over Six Months

For more than six months, I struggled with insomnia. I had a bad habit of going to bed too late, despite my best intentions of turning in at a reasonable hour. Even on the days when I went to bed in time to get a full eight hours of sleep, I would usually end up tossing and turning for hours, painfully aware that Id be lucky to get six hours of rest before spending the next day groggy and struggling to concentrate. And to make matters worse, even on the days when I did go to sleep on time, I would wake up hours earlier than planned,... Read More

Guest Star Post: How to Follow Up After Meeting Someone in Person

By: Stephanie Friday April 29, 2016 comments Tags: Time management, Mindset, Client attraction, Public relations, Business planning, Lead nurture, Follow-ups

Guest Star Post: How to Follow Up After Meeting Someone in Person

Networking and exchanging contact info is a great way to get warm leads but what now that you have this contact information, what do you do with it? Today, John Corcoran is going to share a specific, step-by-step formula to make a great impression on your new contacts, grow your relationship with them, and build trust and rapport that makes them eager to send you clients or purchase your services. ... Read More

5 Questions to Identify Leads and Turn Them Into Clients

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 26, 2016 comments Tags: Marketing, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Enrollment, Public relations

5 Questions to Identify Leads and Turn Them Into Clients

"‹When youre having a conversation with a potential client, its important to quickly identify whether or not they need you - and if they do need you, to help them talk themselves into signing up. Here are five types of questions that will help you to identify good leads, and to smoothly and easily turn them into clients: 1. Do they have the problem you solve? This is the first and most important thing that you need to find out. Theres no point in offering your product to someone who doesnt need it, so rather than... Read More

Guest Star Post: 4 Ways to Show Potential Clients Your Value

By: Stephanie Friday April 22, 2016 comments

Guest Star Post: 4 Ways to Show Potential Clients Your Value

You know that your guidance can change your clients lives... but they don't necessarily know that. So when you meet a potential client, your first job is to show them why your coaching is valuable to them , so they're motivated and eager to sign up with you. In today's Guest Star blog post, I'll give you 4 tools you can use to show your value, ease potential clients' fears about spending money and time to work with you, and enroll more clients. ... Read More

3 Ways to Save Time, While Increasing Your Success as a Coach

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 19, 2016 comments Tags: product creation, team building, Time management, Mindset, leadership, Business planning

3 Ways to Save Time, While Increasing Your Success as a Coach

If you want to enjoy more free time, or to pack more productivity into your work day, it's important to manage your time in a way that increases your results without increasing your working hours. Here are three strategies you can use to raise your efficiency and productivity, so you complete your to-do list faster and get more benefit from your efforts. Strategy 1: Use your calendar to organize your time If you have an undefined chunk of time in which to complete a task, it's easy to let your mind wander, work slowly,... Read More



