
What's Holding You Back from Sharing Your Wisdom? Overcome It On July 22!

By: Stephanie Thursday July 18, 2024 comments Tags: product creation

What's Holding You Back from Sharing Your Wisdom? Overcome It On July 22!

You have wisdom that could change lives, if you turned it into the right kind of coaching package. But is something holding you back from sharing it? Maybe you don’t think you have time to figure out how to create a coaching program. Maybe you aren’t sure you have enough material to create an offer people will buy… Or you have TOO MUCH information, and you don’t know how to choose what to include! Maybe you’re afraid of spending hours upon hours creating something you can’t sell. Have you ever felt that way?... Read More

6 Business Lessons I Learned from Moving to a New House

By: Stephanie Tuesday July 2, 2024 comments Tags: Marketing, Mindset, Client attraction, Networking

6 Business Lessons I Learned from Moving to a New House

What do running a business, attracting clients, and moving to a new house have in common? Surprisingly, a lot. In the beginning of June, I moved to a rural area. And it. Was. CHAOS. From playing real-life Tetris with a too-small trailer, to getting stuck with said trailer at the entrance of a field, to getting lost and stranded in the middle of the night, it was a messy and surprisingly instructive comedy of errors. And so, because I'm always trying to help you grow your business and help more people, I decided to share those experiences -... Read More

How to Sell to People Who Didn't Get Results from Coaching Before

By: Stephanie Tuesday June 4, 2024 comments Tags: Marketing, product creation, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, Content marketing, Enrollment, Public relations, Sales

How to Sell to People Who Didn't Get Results from Coaching Before

Do you want more people to buy your coaching? Then you need to help them overcome the fears they may have around working with you. One of the most common fears/objections I hear is: “I already paid for coaching, but I didn’t get the results they promised. I’m worried that I’ll pay a lot of money but not get results, AGAIN.” So if you want to make more sales, AND avoid being the reason someone became discouraged and scared to hire another coach, then you need to do 3 things: 1. Set realistic expectations. Make sure your... Read More

How to Keep Your Clients Longer, and Give Them Better Results

By: Stephanie Tuesday May 7, 2024 comments Tags: product creation, Business planning

How to Keep Your Clients Longer, and Give Them Better Results

Would you love to keep your coaching clients longer, and get paid more for giving them even BETTER results? I recently gave a coach an idea she can use to do exactly that. This coach and I were talking about how she helps people recover from being in a toxic relationship with a narcissist. She told me about the things she’s already teaching her clients, and I was impressed. It sounds like she already has an amazingly valuable coaching program! But as always, I was keeping an eye out for ways to get her and her clients bigger and better... Read More

How did she get a REFERRAL… when most people don’t even get a REPLY?

By: Stephanie Tuesday April 2, 2024 comments Tags: Marketing, Lead attraction, Public relations, Networking

How did she get a REFERRAL… when most people don’t even get a REPLY?

How did she get a REFERRAL… when most people don’t even get a REPLY? I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten almost as many spammy sales pitches from website designers as I have for products that will supposedly enlarge an appendage I don’t have. It’s gotten so bad that most of the time, if I see “website designer” in a profile, I nope out! And yet, not only did THIS website designer get me on multiple calls… But when I needed to refer a person for website assistance, she was the first person I thought of! ... Read More

How is Coaching Like Yard Care? (3 Essential Marketing Principles for Getting More Clients)

By: Stephanie Tuesday March 5, 2024 comments Tags: Marketing, Copywriting, Lead attraction, Client attraction, Email marketing, Content marketing, Enrollment, Social media, Website design

How is Coaching Like Yard Care? (3 Essential Marketing Principles for Getting More Clients)

How is coaching like yard care? That’s a question I had to ask myself early in my business, w hen a yard care company asked me for help with their marketing! Most of my training and experience had been focused on working with coaches. So yard care was a whole new creative challenge for me! But these people needed my help, and I knew I could help them. Why? Because there’s a set of principles every business owner, from coaches to yard care specialists, needs in their marketing. Here are 3 of these essential... Read More

UPCOMING EVENT! Course Creation Made Easy: Create a Coaching Program that Sells!

By: Stephanie Tuesday February 6, 2024 comments Tags: product creation, Business planning, Marketing, Lead attraction, Client attraction, product launch

UPCOMING EVENT! Course Creation Made Easy: Create a Coaching Program that Sells!

“What am I missing in the time I spend on this?” Have you ever asked yourself that question? How many hours have you spent creating your coaching program the long, hard way? And what else could you have accomplished in those hours? How many emails could you have cleared from your inbox in the time it took you to figure out what to write in your program’s first lesson? What precious lifelong memories could you have made with your loved ones, in the time you spent trying to identify and fill gaps in your content? How many... Read More

4 Steps to Reach Your Coaching Goals in 2024

By: Stephanie Monday January 1, 2024 comments Tags: product creation, Mindset, Motivation, Business planning

4 Steps to Reach Your Coaching Goals in 2024

Do you have a concrete plan to reach your goals for your coaching business in 2024? New years are often times when we make resolutions and set goals. You might be planning to turn your wisdom into a coaching program, get more consistent with your content creation, or write a book. Whatever your goal is, having a plan in place to reach that goal - as well as the support you need to stay in action when things get busy or challenging - can be the difference between failure and success. Here are 4 strategies you can use to make sure your... Read More

How to Stop Feeling Like an Impostor, and Start Feeling Like an Expert

By: Stephanie Tuesday December 5, 2023 comments Tags: Mindset, Inspiration, Content marketing

How to Stop Feeling Like an Impostor, and Start Feeling Like an Expert

Do you ever compare yourself to more successful and experienced coaches, and wonder why your clients would ever choose you over them? If you do, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re selling yourself short. You're probably more of an expert than you realize! If you want to feel confident, capable, and powerful when you talk about your offer and expertise, instead of feeling insecure and unworthy, I want you to take a couple minutes to watch this video. In it, I share a quick, easy exercise you can use to stop feeling like an... Read More

6 Ways for Coaches to Connect With More People Online

By: Stephanie Tuesday November 7, 2023 comments Tags: Marketing, Client attraction, Content marketing, Public relations, Social media, Networking

6 Ways for Coaches to Connect With More People Online

A friend of mine recently asked me how to connect with more people online. Here are a few strategies I've personally found useful: 1. State what you do concisely and clearly in your profile's "Intro" section. People who are checking out your profile should immediately know who you help and how you help them. Keep it results-oriented; focus on a problem your clients know they have, and/or an outcome they want to create. 2. Post helpful content related to your expertise. This shows people that you have valuable expertise to share,... Read More



