
Guest Star Post: How "Overcoming Objections" Can Alienate Your Clients, and What to Do Instead

Saturday June 6, 2015 comments

Guest Star Post: How "Overcoming Objections" Can Alienate Your Clients, and What to Do Instead

Have you ever responded to a clientsobjection by trying to talk them into seeing things from your point of view? Overcoming objections is a popular technique in the sales industry, but a very hazardous one. When you use it, instead of showing your client that you understand them and are interested in their needs and experiences, you imply that your viewpoint and agenda are more important to you than theirs. You also run the risk of making them feel like youre telling them thattheyre wrong, and that their experiences and... Read More

How to Discover What Products Your Clients Want

By: Stephanie Tuesday June 2, 2015 comments Tags: Product developmet, Marketing

How to Discover What Products Your Clients Want

One of the first and most important steps in designing a group program is discovering what your clients most want to learn. When you're in a hurry to get your first program out on the market, it can be tempting to skip this step. But if you do that, there's a danger that you'll spend a lot of time, energy and money to create a product that no one wants to buy. So how can you find out what your clients want, so you're sure that what you're creating is something people want to buy? Here are a few options: 1. Create a poll. If you have... Read More



